What is Agile and how it is beneficial in project management?

Agile methodology is an interval-based development process that brings together different functional teams on a single platform. This methodology keeps the entire project management process disciplined and easier to make changes according to the issues that arise. The Agile development process follows the Agile manifesto developed by some prominent names of the industry based on their experiences. Stepwise inspection and tests lead to better results as the problem is identified at an early stage only thus reducing the completion challenges. The testing in the Agile model takes place in form of iteration by implementing regression analysis. The best thing about the Agile methodology is that both testers and developers along with owners work together through proper planning. 
Methodologies used in Agile
Some of the major methodologies used in Agile development are:
  • Scrum
  • Extreme programming
  • Crystal methodologies
  • Feature-driven development
  • Dynamic software development method
  • Lean software development
Features of Agile methodology
There are various reasons and features which makes Agile course highly beneficial for product development and project management. Some of these characteristics to look out for are:
  • Enhanced visibility: from stakeholders to the developers and managers, proper visibility plays a very big role. This allows every participant to take active participation in the progress of the project development. Agile lets everyone involved have active involvement and makes sure of the fact every aspect of the project is effectively managed at 360digitmg.

  • Better quality: as agile project management certification makes the development a step by step process, the quality of the product can be tested at every step. This regular inspection at every level makes it possible to have a check on the processes involved and what adjustments can be done to improve the result. 

  • Flexibility: when a agile project management training is in its development stage, the changes are inevitable. Even if the timeline is fixed and resources are pre-decided, there is always a need for a certain amount of agility in a project. This will allow us to make the needed changes at any stage required to get a satisfactory product in the end.

  • Identifying issues: Agile project management course works incrementally, and this makes it easier to keep a close watch on every aspect of the product by the owner and developer. Therefore it becomes easier for all the parties to identify the problems and bring proper changes in time.

  • Communication: one of the biggest things is proper communication between the project managers, developers and the owner. This will make sure that the project is well communicated and the process is entirely flexible on all fronts. With Agile, parties can keep themselves involved at every level and build a team to emerge successful in the end.

  • Transparent: Agile makes the development of a project more enjoyable and involved as every step is highly transparent for every participant to observe and make changes. The overall approach is rewarding in the long run of the project, as the team performances are improved and the quality of the product as well.

Resource box
Proper planning mixed with proper technical development is what Agile comprises of. Learning Agile along with all other methodologies involved in it will enhance the skill of a project manager and developer by manifolds. Not only one will increase their worth, but will also get hands-on with better opportunities.


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